The Five-Step Healing Reaction Guide™

The Five-Step Healing Reaction Guide


This guide is divided into three sections.

The first section is a general overview of the primal reaction process and covers how to transcend that process consciously.

The second section covers The Five Stages of Reaction™ and describes the transformation process in detail.       

The third section takes a deeper look at healing primal triggers & primal consciousness reaction patterns by using your wisdom, love, and light.


Section One


A General Overview Of Reaction Dynamics 

Sometimes life situations trigger you and you react from your primal consciousness.
Your adrenaline kicks in and you access your primal drive to fight or take flight.
This is natural.
You are human.

Sometimes you feel powerful when you react from your primal consciousness, especially if you win the fight or successfully defend yourself and situation.
Sometimes you feel powerless after a reaction, especially if you realize that you made things worse by embarrassing yourself or hurting those that you care about during your reaction.
Sometimes you would like to have a new way of acting – such as from your true and authentic wisdom, love, and light.

The Source Of Primal Reactions 

Primal reactions do not come from your higher wisdom, clarity, or choice.
Primal reactions are automatic responses from your primal instincts.
During a primal reaction, your higher self is set aside while your primal consciousness reaction takes over.

It may feel good for a few minutes to let go and let your reaction take over.
It may feel good while you feel the temporary sense of power and control.

It may not feel good when you look back afterward and realize the consequences of your reaction dynamic.
It may not feel good when you realize that your actions may not have been in alignment with your true wisdom, love, and light.

Moving Beyond Judgment 

It is natural to get triggered and have reactions.
Let go of any judgment that you may have around your triggers and reactions.
Accept yourself fully.

From the place of acceptance, you have access to deeper clarity and wisdom around your reaction dynamics.
With clarity and wisdom, you see how your primal instinct to react is natural – like when there is a real threat in the moment.

With clarity and wisdom, you also see that there are times when you get triggered into a fear-based primal consciousness reaction when there is not a real threat in the moment.
Old primal triggers and previously learned reaction patterns cause reactions in the moment in ways that are not always in your best interest.

With clarity and wisdom, you respect your survival instincts when threats are clear and immediate, and you learn to move beyond any past primal triggers and learned reaction patterns when reacting is not in your best interest.

Moving Beyond Primal Triggers and Learned Reaction Dynamics  

To move beyond primal triggers and learned reaction dynamics, you do not have to abandon your primal consciousness.
All you have to do is differentiate yourself from your primal consciousness, your primal triggers, and your primal reaction patterning.

You are different than your primal consciousness, primal triggers, and reaction patterning.
You are more.

You are a divine being in human form.
You are a wise, thinking, feeling, caring, and loving being that exists beyond your fight/flight primal dynamics.

When you acknowledge that you are more, you gain choice.
When there is a real threat in the moment, your primal consciousness responds naturally in the moment.
When you are triggered in the moment to react from your primal consciousness and there is not a real threat in the moment, you have the choice to access your higher wisdom, love, and light and disengage from your pattern of reacting.
With higher awareness you have the choice to act from your higher wisdom, love, and light.

The Survival Game & Divine Awakening 

Primal consciousness, associated primal triggers, and learned primal reaction patterns all drive the survival game.
This complex multidimensional dynamic impulses the desire for power and control.
What happens when there is an introduction of wisdom, love, and light into this dynamic?
At some point there is divine awakening.
There is an awakening to a new way that exists beyond the primal survival game.

Before The Awakening 

Most people today are not aware of being different than their primal consciousness, primal triggers, and primal reaction patterns.
Most people are not aware of how to live beyond the power and control dynamics of the survival game.
Most people simply accept the game and go with it.

Some enjoy the game itself.
Some enjoy the sense of power and control.
Some enjoy that feeling of being able to dominate and win.
Some feel exhilaration when there is pressure, intensity, and fear pulsing through their veins.
Some feel a type of sensory pleasure and mental heightening that comes with drama and tension.
Some enjoy the ego satisfaction that comes with competing and conquering.

Some people are awakening and stepping into a new way of wisdom, love, and light.

Wanting To Be Free 

If you are reading this guide, you are most likely someone who is wanting more than the survival way of being.
You are most likely going through shifting, growing, awakening, and opening up to a new way of being.
You may be wanting more than power-over, competition, fight, struggle, or an effort-filled way of life.
You may want more than the feeling of fear, running from truth, or escaping from an uncomfortable way of life.

You may be bored with the survival game.
You may be tired of the consequences of living within the old ways.

You may be ready to explore new horizons.
You may be ready to experience a new kind of freedom.

Ready For The New Way 

Are you ready to expand beyond the old way of power and control survival dynamics?
Are you ready to experience a new way?

When you decide that you are ready, take a moment and think about your life.
Think about the way that you live.
Think about the way that you think.
Think about the way that you feel.
Think about the way that you respond.

What triggers you to think?
What triggers you to feel?
What triggers you to respond?

Are you ready to own what is happening inside you?
Are you ready to own your wisdom, love, and light?
Are you ready to awaken?


Primal triggers and reaction patterns have consciousness, but you may not be conscious of them.
To begin awakening, look at your emotions.
Feel your emotions.
Look at your underlying beliefs.
Explore the core beliefs that you have associated with your emotions.

Ask yourself what triggers your fear? Your sense of powerlessness? Your sense of hopelessness? Your sense of not being in control?
What thoughts reinforce those realities?
What beliefs reinforce those triggers?

Awaken and become conscious of your trigger emotions and associated core beliefs.
Awaken and become conscious of each way your emotions and beliefs trigger your primal reaction responses.

The more you react with power and control from your emotions and beliefs, the more you develop patterns of survival behavior based on your primal self.
The more you become comfortable reacting in specific ways from your primal triggers and survival ways, the more you condition yourself to be locked in these ways.

You are more than your emotions and core beliefs.
You are more than your learned primal reaction patterns.

After you become aware of your emotions, beliefs, and associated trigger reactions, continue awakening to discover your true divine essence.
You are a divine being of wisdom, love, and light.


Ascension is the process of awakening to and accepting the more that you are.
Ascension is the process of opening to your higher vibrational self, raising your consciousness to the divine aspects of your higher self, and choosing to respond to life from your higher vibrational divine essence, wisdom, and love.

A Starting Point

If you want to interact within yourself and with other people in new ways beyond your survival reaction dynamics, then start by accessing your heart.
As you open to your heart, you begin to know how you sense, feel, and know your reality beyond your ego mind and beyond your primal triggers and reaction patterns.
Learn to sense, feel, and know your reality beyond your primal.
Open to your true heart wisdom, love, and light.

Healing Reactions 

When you open to your heart and expand into your true divine wisdom, love, and light, you become conscious of your divine essence.
You become the divine you.

From the divine you, you still have primal aspects that react.
From the divine you, you are the space of your pure wisdom and unconditional love.
From the divine you, you are the space of the pure wisdom, love, and light that calms, supports, and guides any aspect of you that reacts.

As your pure wisdom and unconditional love, you hold the space for your primal aspects to be safe to be.
They are free to react, and they are free to relax, calm, heal, and awaken.

Your primal triggers and pattern reactions are now free to come up and transform into wisdom, love, and light when the time is right.
And you have the choice to create and act from your wisdom, love, and light when you are ready.

Natural Healing 

Open to the space of your heart wisdom and love.
Be your divine flow as often as you can.
Natural healing occurs as you go into your essence and access your divine courage, grace, and compassion – especially when there is a reaction.
Natural healing occurs when you hold the space of your divine wisdom and unconditional love while your primal triggers and reaction dynamics go through the healing process.

True Freedom & Divine Alignment

When you access and become the divine you, and then hold space for primal triggers and reaction patterns to calm, heal, and awaken, then all of you becomes free.
Your whole self becomes free, at peace, and in divine alignment.

When large groups of people access and become divine wisdom and pure unconditional love, then there is a divine space created for the larger group dynamics of primal consciousness to react safely and then relax, calm, heal, and awaken.
Larger group and social primal triggers and reaction patterns open to true divine wisdom, love, and light, and heal.
This is when the entire human race ascends and all living things begin to co-create freely from true divine wisdom, love, and light.


Section Two


The Five Stages of Reaction™ 

Primal triggers and reaction dynamics are consciousness.
They evolve.
You can learn how the healing and evolution process works for primal triggers and reaction dynamics by learning about The Five Stages of Reaction™. 
Through these five stages you see the healing and evolutionary process at work for specific primal triggers and patterned reaction dynamics.

As you read through these five stages, keep in mind a time when you were triggered into a reaction.
Think about a time when you were in a dynamic and someone else was triggered into a reaction.
Think about the world and notice how different groups and societies are triggered into reacting.

After you learn the five stages, think of other specific reactions.
Note where you are at in the process.
See where other individuals, groups, systems, and societies are at in the process.
Come back to these stages over time to see how you and those around you have healed and progressed through the stages.

Step One:  Identify A Primal Reaction After The Reaction 

In the first stage of your awakening process you are not present to your primal triggers or your primal reactions in the moment of reaction.  It is not until after you are done reacting that you look back and realize that you were caught up in a reaction dynamic.

In this first stage, you are awakening to the fact that your behavior was not what you wanted.  You realize that you may have given up yourself in the situation, or you did not respect all aspects of yourself or others during the reaction.

This is a very important stage of awakening because it is the time when you first realize that you are reacting.  There is nothing wrong with taking the time, after you are out of the dynamic and you are safe, to honestly look back and face the way you reacted, both internally within yourself and externally with others.

Step Two:  Catch A Primal Reaction While In The Reaction 

In this second stage of awareness, you have evolved.  This time you catch yourself reacting during the reaction.  You are not able to stop reacting, but you are able to see that during the reaction you are reacting.

This is a major step because when you learn to own your reaction, while in the reaction, you are learning to differentiate yourself from the reaction.
You are learning to see that you are more.

After your reaction dynamic plays out, you can look back at the events on each level: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual to see what energy dynamics triggered your reaction.
You can differentiate yourself from the triggers and the reactions.
You can access your wisdom, love, and light and see how you would like to respond next time.

Step Three:  Make A Choice During A Primal Reaction 

In this third stage of awareness, you evolve a bit more.  This time as you get caught up in your life situations and you react, you are a bit more aware of your primal triggers and reactions.  You are a bit more aware of your wisdom, love, and light.

In this stage you are not able to fully be your wisdom, love, and light, but you can make a choice.
You can choose to disengage from the dynamic.

As you disengage from the dynamic, you may still be reacting inside.  You may still be so caught up in the reaction that you do not want to stop, but you are differentiated enough to know that it is in your best interest to stop and make a shift.

The key is that you make the choice to disengage and enter a new energy space.
You disengage by walking away, cooling off, and shifting your attention to something else.
You may shift your attention to work, play, or entertainment for a while.  You may open to a friend or loved one who can hold a divine space for you.  You may shift your attention to your higher self, angels, guides, or higher wisdom for help and support.

If you choose to shift to the divine space, you raise your vibration.  Your higher vibration transforms yourself and situation for the better energetically.  You may also receive specific higher vibrational grace, compassion, courage, and light.  You may also receive specific higher vibrational help from those in the divine realm that you prayed to and requested help from.

As you accept the divine vibrational shift, you notice that you are beginning to cool off, calm down, decompress, and relax.  You can now choose to ease into your heart center where you access your own personal wisdom, love, and light to help you to understand more about your specific triggers, energy patterns, and reaction dynamics.

Step Four:  Making The Choice To Bring In The Higher Wisdom, Love, And Light In The Moment Of Reaction 

When you reach stage four, you are familiar with the process of working with primal triggers, reaction patterns, and divine energies.  You own your specific primal trigger and reaction, during the reaction, and you call in your higher self, wisdom, love, and light to guide and transform yourself and situation for the better, in the moment.

In this stage, you are comfortable being differentiated.  You are comfortable with your multidimensional awareness of body, emotion, mind, and spirit.
You sense yourself reacting and can identify the trigger in the moment.
You honor the trigger and the reaction.
You access your divine wisdom, love, and light and shift into your divine essence consciously.

You become your true divine wisdom, love, and light.
You become pure divine compassion and grace.
You become your true divine essence.

You allow your divine wisdom, love, and light to transform your entire dynamic internally and externally.
You heal your specific primal trigger and reaction dynamic.

Unique to this stage is that you no longer have to process the event after the reaction.  You own the trigger in real time and transform the dynamic in real time.  You are able to flow right into a new moment with freedom, clarity, and choice.

Step Five:  Beyond The Primal Reaction

In stage five, you are your oneness.  You are your I Am.  You are your wisdom, love, and light.  You have transformed and healed around your specific trigger and reaction dynamic.  You no longer have a primal reaction to that trigger event, situation, or dynamic.

Stage five is the result of going through all the stages of the healing process around a unique trigger.
You have looked back and owned that you reacted in the certain situation before.
You have differentiated yourself from your reaction.
You have owned your specific emotions and beliefs creating the specific trigger and your reaction.
You have held the space of courage, grace, and compassion for all energies involved in the reaction dynamic.
You have brought pure wisdom and love into your specific trigger and reaction pattern dynamic.
You have released old concepts, constructs, distortions, and old ways of being relating to the specific trigger emotion and core belief creating your reaction dynamic.
You have accepted the new freedom to create from and be your true self, divine essence, and pure divine wisdom, love, and light within yourself and in your dynamic unconditionally.


The Five Stages of Reaction™ Summary 

The Five Stages Of Reaction™ describe how you evolve consciously through your primal triggers and reaction dynamics, into your wisdom, love, and light.

Stage One: In stage one, you react without knowing it.  You eventually look back later and realize that you reacted.
When you are able to own that you reacted, you move on to stage two.

Stage Two:  In stage two, you become aware of your reaction during the reaction.  You cannot stop it, but you are aware that you are in a reaction, during the reaction.
When you own it in the moment, your system begins to differentiate.  You begin to see that you are not acting from your conscious self, but reacting to an event that is triggering your primal consciousness reaction response.  This gets you to explore your trigger and your primal reaction dynamic and helps you to move into stage three.

Stage Three:  In stage three, you are aware that you are reacting during your reaction, and you are differentiated enough to make a choice to shift your attention off the dynamic to get clear.  You may shift your attention to work, play, or entertainment for a while.  You may open to a friend or loved one who can hold a divine space for you.  You may shift your attention to your higher self, angels, guides, or higher wisdom for help and support.
When you open your heart and access your wisdom, love, and light, you begin to calm down, get clear, and re-center within yourself.  You begin to see your triggers and reactions patterns from within the perspective of your wisdom, love, and light.  You begin moving into stage four.

Stage Four:  In stage four, you have the awareness that you are reacting during your reaction and you have the ability to transform your inner self and outer situation in the moment by accessing your wisdom, love, and light.  You own the specific emotion and core belief creating the trigger.  You own your reaction and note any pattern of reaction.  You own your courage, grace, and compassion.  You own your wisdom, love, and light.  You shift into a lighter and wiser way of thinking, speaking, and acting within yourself and with those in your situation – in the moment.  You invite your calmness, wisdom, love, and light to transform yourself and your situation – in the moment.  You release the need to have any control over the outcome – in the moment.  You respect and honor your primal consciousness trigger reaction and you choose to act from your wisdom, love, and light – in the moment.

Stage Five:  In stage five, after going through the first four stages within a specific reaction dynamic, that dynamic has evolved and healed.  Those reaction patterns and your primal consciousness around those patterns have learned to awaken and align with your higher self and the higher divine realms of wisdom, love, and light.  You are now neutral and have no reaction when those triggers come into your reality.  You are now free to be your wisdom, love, and light in those situations.


Section Three


A Specific Focus On Healing Primal Triggers & Primal Consciousness Reaction Patterns

Here is a deeper look at some of the components of the healing process.

What is primal consciousness?
What is a primal consciousness trigger?
What is a primal consciousness reaction?
What is a primal consciousness reaction pattern?

What is divine wisdom, love, and light?
How does divine wisdom, love, and light, heal your primal consciousness triggers and heal your primal consciousness reaction patterns?

Primal Consciousness 

Primal consciousness is your basic primal instinct to survive.
Your primal instinct is to be in control of yourself and situation.
If you sense that you are losing control, your primal instinct is to react to regain control.
The primal method to get control is to fight or take flight.

Primal Consciousness Triggers 

A primal consciousness trigger is any event, on any level: body, emotion, mind, or spirit, that activates your primal consciousness instinct to react.
A primal consciousness trigger event is interpreted by your primal consciousness to mean that you are losing control and that you need to react instinctively to regain control.

Primal Consciousness Reactions 

Your primal consciousness instinct reaction is the fight or flight instinct response that you take to regain control.

Primal Consciousness Reaction Patterns 

A primal consciousness reaction pattern is a learned dynamic based on how your entire system reacts to a primal consciousness trigger.
You learn what reaction style works best for you over time.  You take into account your physical environment, family, culture, and societal norms.  You take into account your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual strengths and weaknesses.  You learn if you are more comfortable and successful being aggressive and fighting to take control to get control, or if you are more comfortable and successful being passive and giving up control to get control.  Over time you become familiar reacting the same way when threatened.  This familiar way becomes your primal reaction pattern method of response.


Divine Wisdom, Love, & Light 


Wisdom is awareness of what is.
You gain wisdom by becoming aware of what is.

Divine Wisdom 

Divine wisdom is a higher form of awareness.
You gain divine wisdom by becoming aware of your higher self, your divine essence, and the information that comes from the higher divine realms.


Love is an energy that comes from the heart that is beyond logical explanation.
Love is beyond primal consciousness.
Love is beyond ego consciousness.
Love is a higher consciousness that heals.

Unconditional love is the unconditional acceptance of all that is.

Divine Light 

Divine light is a type of information that comes from the higher realms.
Divine light is a higher vibrational divine energy that heals.


Healing Primal Consciousness Triggers and Reaction Patterns With Divine Wisdom, Love, and Light

You have primal consciousness and primal consciousness reactions.
You have primal consciousness triggers and primal consciousness reaction patterns.
You are a divine being of wisdom, love, and light.

As you awaken to your divine essence and to your higher wisdom, love and light, the primal consciousness that you hold inside can still get triggered.
You can be a wise and loving person and still react out of a sense of fear and powerlessness.

Awakening to your divine does not take away your primal consciousness survival instinct – that part of yourself still reacts when true threats occur.
Awakening to your divine simply enables you to heal the primal consciousness triggers and old primal consciousness reaction patterns that no longer serve you.

When you are living from old fear-based patterns and reacting from outdated fear-based triggers you have the opportunity to heal by accessing your divine and being your divine in those situations.
The key to healing primal triggers and reaction patterns with your divine wisdom, love, and light is in your ownership of your divine essence.
You own your true divine I Am.

As your divine in those situations, you become your true divine essence in human form.
From within your true divine I Am, your primal consciousness no longer needs to be in control to care for your survival in those situations, because you are no longer signaling that you are being threatened in those situations.
From within your true divine wisdom, love, and light, you signal that you are okay and that all is well when those old triggers come up.
As your divine essence, you now care for you from a place beyond your primal consciousness survival reaction triggers and patterns.

Healing Evolution 

Healing triggers and evolving through your reaction dynamics is about getting to the place where you are able to let go of the need to be in control around events that trigger you.
The key is to be able to choose to act from your wisdom, love, and light.

Healing evolution is about opening to your wisdom, love, and light around each specific primal trigger and learned reaction dynamic.
As you open to and become your wisdom, love, and light, you access and become your courage, grace, compassion, and divine light energy.
Now you face your primal trigger and reaction pattern from the place of your wisdom, love, and light.

As you acknowledge any fear or sense of powerlessness, hopelessness, or helplessness that may be triggered, you no longer need to continue with your familiar reaction pattern.
You no longer need to get control of the situation because your wisdom, love, and light shows you that all is well and you are okay.

From beyond the need to be in control, you can now choose a new divine path of action.
You move from learned fear-reaction patterning, to taking conscious action from your wisdom, love, and light.

When you face your primal triggers and primal reaction patterns from your wisdom, love, and light, you change.
When you honor and respect your fear-based instinct to take control and simultaneously choose to act from your wisdom, love, and light, you evolve.
You become free.


For more information on my awakening and healing insights, please read my full writings.

peace and blessings,

Joe Hurley
Author, Visionary, Multidimensional Communication Specialist, Healing Energy Consultant
Creator of The Arc of Being Teachings™ & The Divine Heart Collection
Founder of A Source of Light Publishing & Consulting

The Five-Step Healing Reaction Guide™ is the protected property (copyright and trademark) of Joe Hurley & A Source of Light Publishing & Consulting.

Please share this guide in any nonprofit use and give proper credit to author/publisher and this website. (Simply keep the above signature with active link attached to any aspect of this guide shared.)