Arc of Being
An In-Depth Guide To Helping You Discover And Celebrate Your Whole Self
Volume 7 – Healing Guides
A Source of Light Publishing 2014
Arc of Being: Volume 7 – Healing Guides is a book of in-depth essays and guides by author, visionary, and healing energy consultant Joe Hurley. It represents major teachings from his over 30 years of personal growth, multidimensional study, in-depth personal healing, and divine transformational experience.
Volume 7 consists of six chapters filled with intermediate and advanced healing essays and guides. This volume includes “The Five-Step Healing Reaction Guide™” and “The Four-Step Guide To Self-Healing™.”
The information in Volume 7 is designed to help you in the following ways:
Chapter One
-To help you work with energy to resolve conflicts, experience abundance, open to divine transformation, and heal on many levels using four main tools: the power of consciousness, the power of prayer, the power of breath, and the power of hands.
-To help you understand the illusion of separation from the divine so you can evolve your beliefs and accept and embrace your divine wisdom, love, and light.
-To help you move through fear, and ascend into your wisdom, love, and light in such a way that raises your baseline of human experience.
Chapter Two
-To help you in understanding your cycles of growth and seasons of change so you can know more clearly your process of personal, group, and system transformation.
-To help you understand more about the evolutionary process occurring within and around you, so you become more comfortable with the changes in life as you grow and evolve.
-To help you be present to, differentiate from, and understand multidimensional messages.
-To help you let go of old ways, transform, and ascend.
-To help you become present to old ways and help them ascend into wisdom, love, and light.
Chapter Three
-To help you understand triggers, energy matching, and other power and control dynamics.
-To help you to understand entangling and similar reaction patterns.
-To help you learn how to be free energetically.
-To help you choose wisdom and love in any circumstance.
Chapter Four
-To help you understand with more depth and detail how to move from reaction to freedom.
-To help you move from primal instinct creation to creating from your divine wisdom and love.
-To help you face past trauma and darkness.
-To help you step into the new way.
-This chapter includes “The Five-Step Healing Reaction Guide™.”
Chapter Five
-To help you understand the use of energetic shields.
-To help you understand the wisdom beyond the shields – talking directly to the energies.
-This chapter includes “The Four-Step Guide To Self-Healing™.”
Chapter Six
-To help you understand the four ways of being: control, victim, isolate, and divine alignment.
-To help you understand how to use the divine bridge with all types of energies and dynamics.
-To help you understand about divine projects and project completion.
Joe Hurley
Author, Visionary, Multidimensional Communication Specialist, Healing Energy Consultant
Creator of The Arc of Being Teachings™ & The Divine Heart Collection
Founder of A Source of Light Publishing & Consulting